What Are You Waiting For? It’s Time to Heal!


“When there is a hill to climb, don’t think waiting will make it smaller.” – Anonymous

Let’s face it, none of us will get through this life unscathed. Nobody has to tell you that life is full of ups and downs. Most of us have experienced disappointments, setbacks, and struggles that have left us feeling depleted and helpless at one time or another. The question is, “What has kept us there?”.

I will be the first to admit that my choices have not always been good ones. My life stories run the gamut from financial missteps to misguided career choices to disastrous romantic relationships. I cannot begin to convey all the things I have experienced that have left me in a state of despair and, sometimes, desperation. However, I now fully recognize that the cause of these circumstances and situations stemmed from wounds that never completely healed.

Aside from the self-inflicted areas of distress, we also face the situations that are out of our control. Political unrest, racially based atrocities, and economic decline seem to be the order of the day. The COVID-19 pandemic has continued to cause deterioration and disruption in our lives. For more than a year, we sat back and let life happen to us. Many of us already lived isolated lives but the forced quarantines and social distancing brought about even more seclusion and anxiety.

I was talking to a young friend of mine the other day about getting herself out there and living her life. She told me that all she does is work, do chores around the house, and work some more. This is totally unacceptable!  We agreed that we would both explore new activities or hobbies that we could participate in to enjoy life more fully. This exercise was eye opening for both of us! I recognized how I had unknowingly set my life up to perpetuate even more isolation. Even though I wanted to have an active social life, my choices conflicted with that desire.

I found that I had subconsciously been waiting for someone or something else to come along to change my circumstances.

One thing I’ve learned for sure—no one is coming to rescue me.

Recognizing and accepting that fact was just the first step toward healing the broken places in my life.  I had to learn to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I’ve had to continue to walk by faith—faith in the promises of God. We must all get to that point of revelation if we are to succeed in having the life we desire. So, I decided to heal.

“… and the scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled.” – Romans 15:4b NLT

Don’t get me wrong, I have been far from perfect in my thoughts, decisions, or actions. I have truly fallen short of what I know God wants for me, but I rest in the assurance that He is still holding on to me and guiding me. How do I know that? Because I ‘hear’ His voice and feel His leading when I get off track. I believe He uses gentle whispers and nudges that cause an inner discomfort. Discomfort means something needs to change.

Our best lives come from living on purpose. Each day I set out with the intention of making life-affirming choices. To be transparent, I admit it’s not easy, mainly because of the bad habits I had adhered to for so long. But step by step, I know I will make it to the other side.

So, I encourage you to stop sitting on the sidelines and get into the game! Get ready for the next chapter of your life—the chapter that is fulfilling, enjoyable, productive, and interesting. How will that happen? By taking the steps to change your self-defeating and self-sabotaging habits. Habits are hard to break so you must fight to hold on to your new life once you have achieved it.

That’s why I love the profession that chose me! I’m using the lessons I’ve learned to speak life and healing over others. My role as a Life Coach is to help you come out with a new perspective, new strategies to help you reach your goals, and new solutions to the problems that plagued you in the past.

When you slip up while developing these new habits, don’t beat yourself up. We all slip up from time to time. Instead, remember that perfection is not the goal, excellence is. Learn the lessons and use them as opportunities to grow stronger and more resilient.

Remember, I’m here to help. Contact me at Lois@thepathwaycoach.com or sign up for one of my workshops or group coaching programs.

Blessings and favor,



You’re Too Close to Turn Back Now!


Make Choices that Bring Life!