Make Choices that Bring Life!


Everyday of our lives we make hundreds upon hundreds of choices—whether we realize it or not. We choose what we will wear, what we will eat, which route to take to work, and which emails to respond to. Some of the choices are inconsequential but others determine the path our lives will take.

I admit that I have made some bad choices in my life.

I decided to remain quiet when I should have spoken up. Those instances left me feeling unheard and dishonored.

I decided to take what I considered to be the easiest career path. It left me feeling undervalued and underutilized.

I made decisions that allowed toxic people to manipulate and control me. As a result, I’ve felt used and weak.

I even made daily choices that proved unhealthy for my physical and mental state of being. Those choices brought on feelings of low self-esteem and depression.

At some point, though, you must make the decision to live differently. When you look at the frailty of life and just how quickly things can go from good to bad, you know that going forward you must begin to make choices that will allow you to experience life for the better.

Just the other day, I received shocking news that one of my childhood friends had passed suddenly. She wasn’t sick. She was making plans for an exciting future. Now she is gone.

We didn’t interact with each other on a regular basis, but we did love each other. Whenever we did cross each other’s path, it was just like nothing had ever changed. She was one of the brightest lights I knew—always bubbly, always warm, and ridiculously funny. Gone.

I will mourn her passing for a long time, but what will remain in my heart forever is the impact she made on my life. Her personality resounded with LIFE.

I don’t know if she got up each morning and made the choice to be that light that shone on so many others each day, or if it just came naturally as God’s gift. Whatever the case, her passing reminded me—again—that each day we awaken, we can choose to live this life fully.

 “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witness against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.” - Deuteronomy 30:19 NIV

Making these life-affirming choices is not always easy because we are also going to encounter obstacles. But we can be determined to overcome those obstacles to have the rich and rewarding life we desire and that God intended for us.

Choose to be loving. Choose to be an overcomer. Choose to make a positive impact. Choose to live fully. Choose to speak life over your situation and over others.

What choices will you commit to that will bring LIFE to your living?

Blessings and Favor,



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