Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I hire a life coach?

More and more, we’re hearing testimonials from people who are using personal coaches to help them create better lives. You’ll find coaches in every arena of life – career, health, sports, finances, and relationships, just to name a few.


Why are people using coaches? Because it works for those who are serious about moving their lives forward. That means they are committed to doing the work and willing to be held accountable.


·        What is keeping you from writing that book?

·        How do you finally decide which business idea to focus on?

·        How do you get clarity on your life purpose?

·        How can you achieve balance between your personal life and your career goals?

·        What lifestyle change would make the biggest difference in your life?


A life coach can help you get to the answers to these questions and more.

A great life coach will not only help you uncover the answers, but will also walk alongside you as you take the steps to get to your desired life.


For more information on how a life coach can help you reach your goals, I invite you to experience a complimentary discovery call. To sign up, go to

How do I know coaching will help me?

In all transparency, coaching is not for everyone because everyone is not coachable. You know yourself better than anyone else does, so you will have to make this determination.

 Here a few questions to help you determine if you are coachable:


·        Are you receptive to feedback?

·        Are you open to change?

·        Are you eager to learn?

·        Are you willing to be held accountable?

·        Do you have a growth mindset?


If this sounds like you, and you are ready to experience that ‘better life’ you’ve dreamed about, coaching will help you. To experience a complimentary discovery call, go to

What’s the difference between life coaching and counseling?

Counseling sessions tend to be more focused on delving into a client’s past to uncover what may be the root cause of the dysfunction or discomfort.

 Coaching for personal development involves starting at the client’s current situation, determining where they want to be or the person they want to become, and then working out the strategies to get them to their goals.

What can I expect from a typical life coaching session?

It’s important to know that life coaching is a relationship between you and someone you feel a connection with because of shared values and commonalities. You make an agreement to work together on what you want to accomplish.


·        A session can typically last from 30-60 minutes, depending on what you desire.

 ·        You set the timetables and guidelines for these interactions because coaching is client-driven.

 ·        The coach generally does more listening than talking to understand your concerns, needs, and obstacles. Once that is determined, the coach helps you recognize how to make the best of your gifts and talents, your strengths, and your opportunities.

 ·        Together, you create strategies to help you achieve your goals according to a specific plan of action.

 ·        The coach helps you stay accountable by checking your progress and offering suggestions for adjustments, if needed.

 ·        The coach offers encouragement and often provide resources available that you may be unaware of.


In other words, you are in the driver’s seat. Your coach is there for direction and as your greatest cheerleader.

How much does it cost to hire a life coach?

What value do you place on the outcome you want to receive? The old saying is true that “you get what you pay for”. But it’s also true that “you get out what you put in”.


Coaching services come in many forms, so there’s no hard and fast answer to this question. There’s individual coaching, group coaching, online digital courses and coaching programs, to name a few. Therefore, these offerings are priced by the specific services being provided.  


The best way to find out what a coach charges for the services you need and the value you want to receive is to make direct contact.  A complimentary discovery call is a great way to accomplish that.


To sign up for your complimentary call, go to


What are some of the benefits of life coaching?

Accountability - From time to time, most of us need someone who will hold our feet to the fire. We’ve made these declarations of moving forward but find that we are not making the progress we intended. Through our sessions together, we review your progress and strategize on how best to keep you moving.


Clarity – Sometimes, it’s just a matter of being asked the right questions that will help you clarify which direction to take or how to approach something. I ask those questions until we find the answers that will get you unstuck.


Encouragement - Anyone who has ever faced disappointment in life knows the value of hearing the words that will pick you up and get you moving again. Whether it’s a prayer, a scripture, or an affirming word, hearing that encouragement will help you through the tough times while executing your plans. Encouraging others is what I live for!


Creating a workable plan - You have the ideas but haven’t sat down to create the plan that will get you there. The plan is the foundation for every dream you want to manifest. Without the plan, you will find yourself either going in circles or stalled completely. Let’s create a workable plan, customized to your wants and needs.


Sounding Board - Sometimes, you need someone to bounce your ideas off. The thoughts and concepts you came up with may just need to be fleshed out a little more. You want to know, though, if you’re even going in the right direction. I’ll be that sounding board.


Objective Perspective - “When you’re in the frame, you can’t see the whole picture.” You’ve been looking at your struggles so long that you can no longer be objective about how to proceed. Allow a fresh perspective by having those hard discussions with your Coach.


Consistent Support - As you go through the steps to transform your life into the productive, fulfilling, and satisfying life you’ve dreamed of, having someone who supports you and your goals is vital. That’s what I provide consistently along the way.


When planning the next moves for your life, would having any of this assistance benefit you? If so, sign up for your complimentary discovery call at