Benefits of Coaching
Objective Perspective
“When you’re in the frame, you can’t see the whole picture.” You’ve been looking at your struggles so long that you can no longer be objective about how to proceed. Allow a fresh perspective by having those hard discussions with your Coach.
From time to time, most of us need someone who will hold our feet to the fire. We’ve made these declarations of moving forward but find that we are not making the progress we intended. Through our sessions together, we review your progress and strategize on how best to keep you moving.
A Sounding Board
Sometimes, you need someone to bounce your ideas off of. The thoughts and concepts you came up with may just need to be fleshed out a little more. You want to know, though, if you’re even going in the right direction. I’ll be that sounding board.
Creating the Plan
You have the ideas, but haven’t sat down to create the plan that will get you there. The plan is the foundation for every dream you want to manifest. Without the plan, you will find yourself either going in circles or stalled completely. Let’s create a workable plan, customized to your wants and needs.
Consistent Support
As you go through the steps to transform your life into the productive, fulfilling, and satisfying life you’ve dreamed of, having someone who supports you and your goals is vital. That’s what I provide consistently along the way.
Anyone who has ever faced disappointment in life knows the value of hearing the words that will pick you up and get you moving again. Whether it’s a prayer, a scripture, or an affirming word, hearing that encouragement will help you through the tough times faced while executing your plans. Encouragement is what I live for!
Want a sample? Grab a complimentary 30-minute session.
Many of us fail to reach our career, financial, and relationship goals because of personal mindset roadblocks.
You see, until you have dealt with your personal demons, it is hard to achieve the goals that lead to success in those other areas.
James Allen says, “Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.”
I have seen people struggle with what seem to be simple solutions. It’s not that they don’t want to get there. They start off with a bang, but soon give out. Why? Because there are internal issues they need to deal with first. You may have even tried to work through your life challenges yourself, but it didn’t work out for you or the results didn’t last. Although God equipped us with everything we need to find the answers, we often find we need a little extra help to uncover those gems that lie deep inside.
Change your path; transform your life!
Life sometimes deals us a hand we would rather not play. It results in pain points:
If your life has been plagued by any of these BLOCKERS, individual coaching is the path that will make sense for you.
Private coaching is designed to equip you with the tools that will take you beyond the barriers that have held you back. The one-hour sessions are customized specifically to help you re-design, revamp, and redirect your life.
After all, your future is at stake.
During each session, we will focus on strategies to get past the obstacles that have stood between you and your best life.
You didn’t acquire these barriers in one day, one week, or even one year; they developed over time and through various experiences. Likewise, moving beyond them will not be a quick fix either.
For the best results, these virtual coaching sessions are provided in 3-month or 6-month programs. You may also select one-time “Pick My Brain” sessions that serve primarily to gain clarity and direction on one specific concern.
Individual coaching will be the catalyst that takes you from feeling hopeless to making things happen!
Want more information? Click here for additional details.
Studies show that we tend to benefit greatly when in the company of like-minded individuals. Group coaching is the perfect opportunity for you to work through your roadblocks once and for all. You will journey together with other like-minded women and support each other through the journey to victory.
In this format, we will meet in 12 sessions, held virtually every week in one-hour segments. In addition to the virtual sessions, email support and short phone laser sessions are provided as needed. Together you will uncover strategies to get you through the hard times and move forward into your destiny of greatness.
Upcoming dates to be announced!
I invite you to join a small group of individuals committed to working through the obstacles that have caused stagnation. Here are a few of the topics that are often addressed:
Rebounding from Setbacks
You planned and dreamed about how you want your life to unfold. You thought through the process, compiled lists of the pros and cons, set aside the time and the money, and everything seems to be running along smoothly; and then, BAM! Your plans fall through. You are in a very uncomfortable situation and want to move forward.
There’s no getting around it; in life, you will face setbacks. A setback means your progress was interrupted, reversed, or your attempt failed. Setbacks come in various forms and may affect many areas of your life. Whether it involves your finances, career, relationships, or health; in either case, setbacks are unpleasant, to say the least. The struggle is real, but there is good news! You are not alone.
Destroying the Dream Killers - Fear, Self-Sabotage, and Procrastination
You keep dreaming of the life you want to live, but something keeps getting in the way. You haven’t followed through on your goals and you can’t understand why. The awful truth is that you may have fallen victim to the Dream Killers:
· Fear
· Self-Sabotage
· Procrastination
These dream killers stand between you and your destiny. They have held you back in the past. Now it is time to break free!
Many of us fail to reach our personal and professional goals because of mindset roadblocks. Until you have dealt with your personal demons, it is difficult to achieve the goals that lead to success. If this sounds all too familiar to you, resolve to get past those barriers and create strategies to live the life you desire.
Communication Essentials - Learning the Strategies for Successful Relationships
Your message is not getting across—at least not the way you thought. There is often a big difference between what you said and what the other person heard. Communication is the most important part of building great relationships, but few people are effective communicators. Discover how to:
· Identify hidden communication barriers
· Create effective strategies to engage in crucial conversations
· Express heartfelt emotions with confidence
· Develop and nurture meaningful relationships
These sessions are constructed to help you burst through communication barriers that hinder quality relationships.
______________________________________________________________________Depression - Rising Out of the Pit
Depression is a major life issue for far too many in the world today and is far more common than you think. It can have devastating effects on your life and the plans for your future.
· It zaps your energy and causes you to feel hopeless and helpless.
· It makes you isolate yourself at the very times you should be with others.
· It is the fertile ground that produces harmful self-fulfilling prophecies.
· It keeps you running negative tapes over and over in your mind.
Depression doesn’t discriminate because of skin color, age, national origin, educational level, or socio-economic status. If you let it, it will take over your life. The point here is that you don’t have to let it.
______________________________________________________________________Toxic Relationships - Releasing the Poison Plaguing Your Life
There are some people in your life that you know are bad for you. Some of these people mean well, while others are very deliberately harmful. Regardless of their intentions, these relationships have stunted your growth and held you back.
· Your interactions are uncomfortable;
· You feel devalued and unappreciated around them
· They are controlling, critical, and negative
· They often manipulate you to get what they want
Some of these are not necessarily bad people; they’re just toxic for you. They play many roles in your life: past loves, parents, siblings, ‘friends’, extended family members, co-workers, business associates, etc. Now is the time to take action to disengage with them—either through distance, disconnection, or by enforcing boundaries.
The benefits of group coaching are astounding:
1) You receive coaching at a fraction of the cost of individual coaching.
2) The group is made up of others that already have something in common with you.
3) You realize that you’re not alone. Others have experienced the same fears and doubts.
4) Because there are others in the group who are like minded, the brainstorming segment is amazing!
5) You gain insights about yourself through the feedback from others.
6) The learning process is usually accelerated.
Group size is limited to six (6) persons. Sessions are conducted weekly.