You’re Too Close to Turn Back Now!


Why does it seem that the closer you get to the finish line, the harder the struggle? You would think that once we can see the goal in view it would be easier. But no, that’s not usually how it turns works.

One of the examples I can think of from my own life is the annual corporate fast and consecration my church participates in—the Sacred Season of Success. This fast begins on the Monday after Thanksgiving and runs until the Saturday before Christmas Day. The basic guidelines are that no food is to be eaten from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. each day. We refrain from sweets, alcohol, tobacco products, and caffeine. We are also to pray every three hours while awake. After 6:00 p.m. a moderate meal may be consumed.

We begin with high levels of commitment and determination in hopes of receiving specific blessings from God. All the participants may have different goals in mind, but we all want to be successful. My personal goals usually revolve around self-discipline and a greater intimacy with our Creator. Most of us approach this as a sacred covenant where we exchange our desires for God’s strength, blessings, clarity, and revelation. For the veterans of this yearly endeavor, we prepare our minds and bodies to go through the rigors so we can successfully complete the fast.

As the days pass, there are times when following the guidelines seems to be fairly easy. Of course, there are other days where even the veterans struggle. The hardest days, though, seem to be the last two or three days before the end of the fast. At least this is the case for me. Even if I stuck strictly to the guidelines up to that point, I begin to crave everything I am committed to resisting. I even rationalize that with only one day to go, it doesn’t matter if I quit a little early.

Unfortunately, quitting right before we reach our goal is extremely tempting for many individuals. One of my closest friends quit college with only six credits left to receive her bachelor’s degree. How many of us abandon a weight loss or fitness plan when we hit a plateau? Still others give up on rocky relationships when it seems to be taking too much work. Job search is another arena where hearing multiple no’s makes people throw in the towel and give up. That is not God’s desire for us.

“So, let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” – Galatians 6:9 NLT

What about you? Is there an area in your life where you feel like it’s just not worth it to continue the effort? Well, when you’ve already done so much work, this is not the time to give up.

By no means am I saying to beat your head against a brick wall when there’s truly little possibility of success. What I am saying is that sometimes it’s just a matter of making small adjustments—whether it be physical, mental, or emotional—that can make the difference. Your goal may need just a little more priming before it produces the desired results.

You have come too far in your striving to turn back now. Your harvest is coming! Your prayer is about to manifest! Keep going!

Blessings and Favor,



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