Everything Must Change

How do you get from where you are to where you want to be? Well, first you have to acknowledge that a change needs to be made. And whether you want to admit it or not, that change must come from you. Yes, I know; it would be great if only your boss, co-worker, spouse, children, the government, your neighbor, or the economy would change; but, that may never happen—at least not in your lifetime. You shouldn’t look outwardly for change. You know why? Because you have no real control over any of those people or situations.

The only person you have control over is YOU. You have to make some changes. Have you heard the saying, ‘If nothing changes, then nothing changes’? Deep, right?

Change begins with a decision. However, change is one of the hardest things for people to do—even when they know it’s needed. Why is it so hard? In my opinion, it’s because we have formed habits—some good, some not so good—and habits are hard to break. Have you ever watched a loved one self destruct because of a bad habit? It’s painful to watch because you know what’s coming even though the person is in deep denial. However, we don’t seem to notice it when we, ourselves, are on a collision course with danger, do we? I speak from experience.

One day I was talking with someone and they mentioned that one of their relatives was in the hospital in a diabetic coma. Being in a coma is bad enough, but what’s worse is that this occurrence was most likely triggered by that person’s eating habits. The person was declaring victory over the disease and praying for God’s healing to manifest. Meanwhile, he was unabashedly consuming an array of sweets, junk food, and fast food. Those of us from the household of faith know that God is a healer, but we’ve got to do our part.

That really struck home with me because the disease runs in my family. In 2014, I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes. My doctor advised me that I could avoid going into full blown diabetes if I changed my eating habits, exercised, and lost a few pounds. After the conversation about the coma victim, I began to take inventory of my own eating habits (as if I really needed to). Well, that was enough to scare me into action to change that diagnosis. I immediately began to work to get that A1C level back down to normal. You know what? I did it! At my next check up, my doctor was happy to report that I did not have diabetes! Yay! However, the change didn’t last.

Fast forward to this year. You would think that having dodged the bullet, I would have kept up the healthy changes, right? Wrong. It’s so easy to slip back into bad habits, especially when you’ve faced a few life challenges and you’re looking for comfort. No doubt about it, I have used food to soothe my wounded spirit. Why do we try to justify bad eating habits, i.e.:

  • I’m too tired to cook

  • Healthy foods are too expensive (which they are)

  • It’s my birthday

  • Having this every now and then is okay (4-5 times a week is not okay)

  • It’s no calories in it if you eat it standing up

Come on. REALLY?!!! We can justify our weaknesses all day long, but we are fighting a losing battle—our incorrect logic vs. life principles. Eating badly will eventually show up—either externally or internally.

So, I am leaving the state of denial and entering into the realm of change. I am now working with a coach to help me make the changes I need to make. Sure, this puts more pressure on me by telling you my plans, but so be it! I’m committed to walk the talk. I can’t inspire you to make changes if I’m not willing to do so as well.

As I begin my journey, I hope you will begin yours as well. We all have something that could stand improvement. It could be incorporating more exercise into your life, going back to school to finish that degree, getting out of debt, or ending those toxic relationships. Whatever it is for you, isn’t it time to make that change?

What will you commit to changing in the coming months? Reach out to me at Pathwaytodestinycoaching@gmail.com. Let me hear from you. I’d love to journey with you.



Get Out of Your Own Way


Choose Life!