Pathway To Destiny Coaching

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Decisions Determine Your Destiny

Every day we make thousands of decisions without giving much thought to them. Most of them are very mundane—what to eat for breakfast, what outfit to wear, which emails to read, etc. Generally speaking, a lot of those decisions are not earth shattering. They will not make a tremendous impact in your life.

Other decisions, however, will significantly alter your life’s trajectory. As we live day to day, some of the decisions we make produce defining moments—those moments that make a major difference and could determine your destiny. Decisions such as whether to pursue higher education, who you choose to marry, which job you take, or where you decide to live can define your life. How you handle them can mean the difference between happiness and despair, success and failure, productivity and time wasted.

I’ve had to make many hard decisions over my lifetime; as a result, I’ve suffered through some tough times. When I compare what I wanted my life to be and how it turned out, I found out that those decisions I made casually were defining moments in my life:

·        I chose the wrong major in college—one that wasn’t a real challenge for me; thus, I ended up with unsatisfying jobs instead of a rewarding career.

·        I chose to marry at the wrong time because my biological clock was ticking, and I wanted to have children; the marriage was a 20-year struggle that ended in divorce.

·        I made poor spending decisions and often lived beyond my means; that eventually ended in homelessness and bankruptcy.

These were just a few examples, but those decisions resulted in major consequences that altered my life.

There’s an old saying, “you made your bed, so now you have to lie in it”. When you’re young, you don’t fully understand what sayings such as this mean. As you grow older, you know only too well what they mean through life experience.

Fortunately, the wisdom gained from those experiences can help you make better decisions for your future. Don’t fall into the trap that so many others do—the trap of making the same mistakes over and over. Once you reflect and can identify where you got off track, you can change your path. Now that you know better (the faulty decisions), you can decide to do better.


You can make a commitment to yourself that you will take the time to think through the far-reaching effects of your decisions before you act. Your decisions involving your finances, the people you allow into your life, your career, your emotional and physical health—these are the areas that bear making definite plans.

It’s not too late to make drastic changes. After years of mistakes and missteps, I decided I wanted a different outcome and started taking the steps to have the life experiences I desired. That’s how I ended up becoming a Life Coach.

Decide what you want your life to look like and begin to take strategic steps to direct your thoughts and actions toward that vision. I’m here to help you take that journey toward your destiny. Contact me at

If you need help in gaining clarity or just getting started, please reach out for that help. I did and my life is much better for it. Life is full of decisions but it is too short and too precious to waste it by living in a sea of regret.

Blessings and favor,
