One Step at a Time


Mostly everyone has goals and dreams. There’s an old proverb that says, “the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”. I break this down to mean that whatever it is you want to accomplish, you must start somewhere.

Those of us who want to turn those goals and dreams into reality understand that we must write out our plans. That’s because writing out your plans is the first and most important step you can take in striving for success. Whether it’s success in your business, on your job, in your finances, or in your personal life, this step is vital. I can’t say it enough. But many of us are hesitant to take this step.

You may hear some people say that their plan is all in their head. Well, without a carefully thought-out strategy, that’s where the extent of their success will lie—in their heads. To formulate a great pathway for success, that strategy should be committed to paper.

“Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.” – Habakkuk 2:2-3 NIV

Taking the first step is tied directly to patience and perseverance; these two core values are essential. We must be willing to be patient in seeing our dream unfold and in persevering until it does. The key is to fight off discouragement and despair when things don’t go according to our timetable. Life rarely happens that way. Failure to accept that truth can cause us to give up too soon. It takes both patience and perseverance to see our dreams manifest.

My oldest son is an example of someone avoiding that first step. He apparently thinks that by refusing to acknowledge where he is means it is not his reality. He doesn’t like to be reminded that he is getting older because he is not where he wanted or expected to be at his current age. Like so many of us, he is still searching for that magic bullet that will propel him into success and riches. He is considered relatively young, so he still has a chance to be successful in his chosen field. The problem is that he hasn’t chosen a field. That should be his first step. If you don’t know what you’re aiming for, it is almost impossible to hit the target.

For most of us, we want what we want, and we want it right now. There’s no getting around it, it takes patience and perseverance to reach the goal. Regardless of whether it’s to save money for that fabulous vacation, finish getting that degree, secure that dream job, or even finding love, it will take time; but there are steps we can and must take to get from point A to point B. The key is taking that first step, then the next, then the next, until we begin to see that goal coming to fruition.

Each step you take, the closer you get and the clearer the vision. If the steps you’re taking to reach your goals are too broad, you will eventually burn out and give up. What’s important to remember is that very valuable lessons are to be learned with each step, so don’t get in a rush. Missed steps mean missed lessons. Another important point is this: your journey will not always travel in a straight line. Start with small steps and embrace each new twist and turn on the path.

If you need help in figuring out your path, I’d love to walk with you. Take advantage of my complimentary “Pathway Discovery Session” to gain clarity in which steps to take next. This support can be a life-changer for you. Let’s take the steps together.

Blessings and favor,



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