The Dangers of Limiting Beliefs

One thing for certain is that regardless of who you are, what position you hold, or your economic status, you absolutely must have a strong, healthy belief system in order to make progress in your life. A belief is a feeling of being sure that something is true. We all have core beliefs—beliefs about money, spirituality, values, and even what we believe about ourselves and what we are capable of achieving.


Limiting beliefs are those core thoughts that have you placing a limit on what is possible or allowed in your life. Limiting beliefs will keep you stuck wherever you are. They will keep you from ever achieving your lifelong dreams because you don’t really believe they can happen for you.


Years ago, while in a therapy session with my Christian Counselor, she explained that the reason I was experiencing feelings of hopelessness was because I had limiting beliefs. My beliefs for my life were not based on what God could do, but on what I thought He would do for ME. I could encourage other people all day long because I truly believed that God would do marvelous things in their lives. But, because I knew I was living a far from perfect life, I felt I was doomed to live a mediocre existence and should just accept whatever came my way. That included jobs, relationships, and even the type of future I could have. That’s what I deserved, right? (Obviously, I had not fully grasped the whole meaning of God’s grace.)


Once my counselor explained what limiting beliefs meant, I had an “aha” moment! During that session she instructed me to read a wonderful book that changed my whole view of myself and changed my life. After reading “The Search for Significance” by Robert McGee, I regained hope for my life and for my future. I started believing that I could have better and should strive for better things in my life.


It was not easy to undo all the years of programming I had received over the years from well-meaning clergy, teachers, society in general, and sometimes even friends and family members. However, the struggle to do so was well worth the effort.


Are there areas in your life that you are struggling with because of limiting beliefs? Beliefs such as:

·         I’m too old to start my own business.

·        I have to stay in this job I hate. How else will I earn money?

·         There are not any more good men out there.

·         I’m not smart enough.

·         If I speak up, people will reject what I have to say.

·         I have to become a ____________ or my family will be disappointed in me.

·         If I show any sign of weakness, people will walk all over me.

 Statements like these that are rolling around in your head will definitely limit the things you will strive for. That’s such a shame. There is so much inside of you that wants to come out; so much that you have to offer to the world. You have unique gifts and talents that make you an invaluable resource to someone else, but those gifts and talents are being stifled because you received some bad information.

 Well, today is a good day to begin re-programming your mind so that you allow yourself to dream BIG! If you could go after something you really wanted, and knew that you would not fail, what would that be? What amazing dreams are lurking inside of you? I’d love to hear your answers. Send a comment to

Hope to hear from you soon!

Blessings and Favor,



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