Pressing Through with Praise


I have such a wonderful set of testimonies of God’s marvelous works in my life. He delivered me out of challenging, desperate situations, and provided safety and protection. So often, I found myself in need of help. I definitely have enough stories to write a book and I plan to do so in the coming year.

Throughout my adult life, I have faced numerous and varied tests and trials. I went through a divorce, raised two sons as a single parent, buried my mother and my only brother, faced financial and employment challenges, and also experienced homelessness on three separate occasions. Through the favor of God, I was never on the street or in a shelter, but I spent several months living in others’ spare rooms. I don’t know what I would’ve done without the comfort of believing that God would see me through those tough times.

As a seasoned Christian, I have shared my stories of blessings and deliverance with many others who were hurting, in despair, or afraid of the unknown. Because of the trials that I experienced, I now have more compassion and grace toward others.

Those of us who have been in the church for a long time, may often use verses of scripture so much that they seem cliché, but those verses now have a special meaning to me. Now, the scriptures that I read every day are not just words on a page. They have become the embodiment of my faith and trust that God is in control and is working things out for my good. They bring comfort and reassurance that God is actively working in my life.

 One of my favorite scriptures is 1 Peter 5:10:

“But may the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast”. NIV

This passage of scripture has seen me through some extremely hard times and it continues to strengthen me. There are still times when I feel my faith waning, but I have learned to use the weapons God gave me to fight back and regain my strength. I pray, read, and meditate on God’s promises.


 God has been my protector—from sickness and disease, accidents, lack, misuse and abuse—from all the things that could harm me. I praise Him for covering me.


As I look back over my life, I can see what God had planned for my life from the beginning. I didn't necessarily like all the experiences I went through, but I realize God has brought me through them all with more insight and understanding. He blessed me with the gifts of compassion and encouragement. I believe that's why people are drawn to me. I thank Him for these wonderful gifts and will continuously seek His wisdom on how to help others.


I thank God for giving me victory over all my challenges through Jesus Christ. I win! I am able to conquer whatever comes against me—uncertainty, health challenges, money challenges, loneliness, depression, fear, and doubt. I declare myself a conqueror over all these things and more through the power of the blood of Jesus, my Lord and Savior.

What life challenges are you facing?

If you or someone you know can benefit from active coaching to move past emotional wounds or life struggles, reach out to me at I’d love to hear from you.


Thankfulness in the Here and Now


Will the Real “You” Please Stand Up?