Overlooking the Gifts

At one time I prided myself for the gift of organization I had been blessed with. It gave me such pleasure to painstakingly align and set up my office, my kitchen, and my closets to achieve smooth functionality. I wanted to keep things easy to identify to help me save time and increase the efficiency of my tasks. By looking at my desk cluttered with papers and projects, that skill seems to be slipping away .

Have you ever been looking for something that you know is there, but you can’t find it? You search furiously and try to retrace your steps; you try to think of the logical location you could have (and thought you had) laid it. However, you still cannot find it. After many wasted minutes and much frustration, you give up the search. You decide to substitute it or rebuild it or reprint the document, only to find the item a few minutes later—right where you thought you put it in the first place. It was there all the time. The problem is that you were overlooking it because it looked a little different than you remembered or expected.

This is the same principle at work when we pray, asking God for something. Maybe you’ve prayed for Him to bless you in a certain way – a new idea for your business, a new romantic relationship, more income, healing in your body—whatever. You pray, pray, and pray some more, but it seems God is silent. It seems He either is not listening or is refusing to grant your request. So, finally, you give up.

Then, one day, when you’ve chalked it up to an unanswered prayer, you realize that you already had what you were asking for; maybe it just came packaged differently than you expected. So, it’s now clear that you had merely overlooked it.

When we were born, God equipped each of us with specific gifts to use to fulfill our kingdom assignments. I am certain that He gifted me with compassion, organization, administration, and communication. By using those gifts, I have developed strengths in leadership and problem solving as well. Combined, all these gifts align with my purpose as I coach my clients. The gifts He gave me are allowing me to fulfill my desire for rewarding work while helping others pursue their own goals and dreams.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” – James 1:17

God already put in us everything we need to be successful—He gave each of us gifts. Those gifts, once stirred up, cause us to uncover and experience what we were praying for. What we needed was there all the time—the strength, the creativity, and the emotional resources to transform our lives. If He gave them to you, He meant for you to use them to bless yourself and others. Those gifts are what will help you achieve your dreams.

What gifts are you overlooking that can take you to the next level?

To help you find out how to better utilize the gifts you’ve been given, contact me at Lois@thepathwaycoach.com for more information.




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