Finding Your Truth - From the Inside Out

Who are you—really?

The first step in moving toward the life you want is understanding the real you. As we think about the state of lives, many of us consider the improvements we need to make. We focus on various ways and possibilities for enhancing our lifestyles: increased income, more leisure time, stronger relationships, better health through diet and exercise, spiritual growth, etc. The problem is that we want it all and we want it now.


However, to begin the process of moving the needle towards improving our lives (and it is a process), we should first determine what we really want. What do you want? I’m not talking about what someone else said you should want, but what is in the deep recesses of your own spirit?

Next, do an assessment of your strengths and weaknesses, acknowledge where you are at the moment, and make a strategic plan to get where you want to be. Well, we then talk ourselves out of going through the process of moving forward by rationalizing that will take too long to actually get there. In reality, one of the main reasons achieving our goals takes so long is because we become overwhelmed with the enormity of what we’re trying to undertake, and we get stuck. We want to see quick results, so we often decide to skip some steps—you know, take shortcuts. Big mistake!


You see, the truth is, making the sweeping improvements we want to make will take time, patience, determination, and consistency. Are you geared up to make those changes? Do you have what it takes?

You definitely have what it takes, but it will also take sharpening and refining those gifts, skills and talents to see the results you want to see. Slow down and focus. Trying to take on too much at one time is a sure-fire formula for failure.


We all fall and we all fail! However, we can’t allow thoughts about the past failures take over. They will creep into our belief about what is truly possible for us in the future. The trick is to acknowledge whatever caused the failure. Was it an error in judgement? Was it based on denial of the facts? Was it bad timing? What are your weaknesses and potential challenges? Once you’ve figured that out, get back up and try again. It’s only in the getting up that we realize that the falling or failing didn’t destroy us. In fact, it actually made us stronger and more prepared to tackle what lies ahead.


So, yes, I encourage you to make plans to improve your life.  I encourage you to dream BIG! I also encourage you to acknowledge your truth—who you really are, what you really want, and the greatness that lies within you. Then, proceed ahead. You’re capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for. Start by fortifying yourself from the inside out.

  • Know who you are in Christ.

  • Take the time to find out what God has promised and then stand on those promises.

  • Make purposeful decisions.

  • Be intentional about the words you speak—especially to yourself.

Which activities give you joy? Who are the people who support and energize you? What can you do differently next time? These are the questions that will help you be prepared to conquer potential challenges in the future.


There’s one more thing I urge you to consider. Perhaps going through this process requires additional help; ask for it. There’s nothing shameful about being supported through this journey. The only shame comes if you continue to suffer in silence because you didn’t want to ask for help. Did you pass up the support that could have made a world of difference?

Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” - John 16:34 NIV

If you’re ready, I’m here to support you. Reach out to me at for more information.


Blessings and Favor,



Suffering In Silence