Pathway To Destiny Coaching

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What Are You Afraid Of?

There is so much to discuss when we address the topic of fear. I feel safe in saying that fear is probably one of the most debilitating emotions that we experience. It is important to understand our fear because it is a big motivator. Fear determines how we face life.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am extremely afraid of certain flying insects. A few people have even witnessed my shrieks of terror and hasty exits when bees or wasps come within 100 yards of me. No amount of rational speeches about how I should be still or ignore them will squelch this phobia.

When I speak about facing our fears on this platform, however, I am referring to those mindset roadblocks that prevent us from moving forward in our day-to-day lives. Specifically, I want to discuss the fears that cause us to stay stuck in an undesirable condition or situation.

Fear keeps us stagnant, it causes us to shrink back, it causes us to miss out on opportunities, and it causes us to lose respect in our own eyes. One big roadblock of fear is that we often won’t admit to ourselves that we are afraid. We use all types of excuses and explanations as to why we cannot or should not attack the object of our fear. Another roadblock is our reluctance to examine why we are afraid. This examination alone will lead us to possible measures we can take to move past the fear. Still we remain immobilized.

As I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, there are lots of different fears that we humans face. The most common are:

  • Fear of Failure

  • Fear of Success

  • Fear of Looking Foolish

  • Fear of Loneliness

  • Fear of Rejection

  • Fear of the Unknown

We could greatly expound on each of these and come up with subsets of these fears, but what I really want to address is what lies beneath these types of immobilizing fears. Most of these fears are related to outside forces—people, situations, or events over which you have no control.

I have some questions related to these specific fears for you to reflect on. Try answering these questions on paper.

  • Fear of failure – Who are you trying to impress? Why?

  • Fear of success – Who are you trying to stay small for? Why?

  • Fear of looking foolish – In whose eyes? Why is this important?

  • Fear of loneliness - With whom are you trying to make/maintain contact? Why?

  • Fear of rejection - Whose approval are you seeking? Why?

  • Fear of the unknown - What are you afraid is going to happen? What if it did?

Most of us have heard the acronym, FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real

That’s just what it is. These types of fears are caused by stories we make up in our heads. We usually imagine the worst case scenario when we think of how things will turn out.  Isn’t it time to face those fears so they won’t continue to haunt your life?

When you feel fear, take the time to ask yourself, “What is it that I’m really afraid of, and what can I do to lessen the fear?”

God, Himself, commands you to be bold and courageous—to step out in faith, knowing that He is with you.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord, your God will be with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9 NIV

If you truly believe that God loves you, He is with you, and that He has everything under control, you can be at peace. Try giving all your fears over to Him. God’s got this!

Blessings and Favor,
