Pathway To Destiny Coaching

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Take Authority Over Yourself

Throughout our lives, we are faced with authority figures—parents, teachers, employers, and politicians. I never considered myself to be naturally rebellious; it’s just that I don’t like others trying to control me. As I’ve matured, I find I struggle with bowing down to authority—especially when I don’t believe the decisions being made are in my best interests.

For some of us, it takes a while to realize that we are in control of our own lives—or at least, we should be. We seem to be waiting for someone else’s approval before striking out toward the pathway that leads to success and achievement. We may have great ideas but we’re so afraid of failure that we don’t launch those ideas. We want a relationship but we’re afraid we will be rejected. So, we don’t get ourselves out there to meet prospective partners.

For years I held myself hostage to my fears. I bought into the lies that I wasn’t enough. Most of these lies came, not from others, but from my own insecurities. Because I had low self-esteem, I saw my world through a filter of failure.

It took me a while, (much too long if you ask me) but I finally started realizing that I must take responsibility for my part in how things play out in my life. It was time for me to start correcting the errors of my past. In other words, I must take authority over myself. Along with this revelation, I also realized that correcting those errors would cause me discomfort; however, that discomfort would be momentary.

I began to face a lot of my fears; not all at once, but by tackling them one at a time. A huge part of the process for working through my fears is reading and meditating on scripture. Doing so tends to strengthen my connection with God and my belief that He has equipped me to handle whatever I am faced with.

“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those that love him.” NIV

Do you have areas of your life that you need to take authority over? Most of us do. I want to encourage you to take authority over your emotions; take authority over your finances; take authority over your career; take authority over your role in your relationships. Take authority over your health. What will it take for you believe in yourself enough do so?

My whole purpose as a Life Coach is to help others as they journey toward their best lives. This comes so natural to me because I have always been an encourager, full of compassion. These two gifts have only deepened over the years. Asking for help in getting to your successful place is not a weakness, it’s a sign of wisdom. I’m here to be that help. Reach out to me at I’ll be waiting.

